The last 10 days have been delightful. Right after I complained about little fall colors on my day trip to the northern part of the state, the trees started turning and they've gotten brighter every day! This is the view from the lounge chair on the deck.
The next photos were all taken from my yard. The colors have been intoxicating . . . you know what I mean. The afternoons have been warm and relaxing and I've still managed to get some chores done.
I've pruned the grapevines, honeysuckle and forsythia. I did my final mowing, but I might have to mulch the leaves once or twice. Looking out my window right now I can see the leaves falling like snowflakes . . . it is just so pretty!
It's all about to change. The first killing frost of the season will happen tonight. That means that all the non-perennial flowers will die and the falling of the leaves will be accelerated. A gusty wind is starting to blow, the cold front will come through during the night and the daytime high temperature tomorrow will be close to 30 degrees F. cooler than it was today.
No, winter isn't here yet. The temps will be close to 60F over the weekend. There will be more nice days at the dog park but tomorrow and the next day will be jacket days all day. I still have time to deal with the water features, birdbaths and hoses and to move things that I don't want to freeze, from the garage and shed, to the shop. I can leave my lounge chair out for warming in the sun with my jacket on and have some time before I need to swap places with the mower for the snow blower in the shed.
But it will too soon turn from the warmish and bright days of October to the dreary gray of November.