I've continued to crochet during the pandemic and beyond. I'm still careful when out and about because MP is immunocompromised and I do not want to bring anything home that will affect her negatively). I've even joined a group of like-minded women who get together once a week to practice the 'yarn arts' of knitting and crochet and to chat and keep up on each other's lives. It's been a bit difficult for me, an introvert, to break in and feel comfortable with a whole new group of folks who have known one another for years. I knew the leader, who invited me, but the rest of the women are new. In the last 2 1/2 years I've perfected some new stitches and have adapted a potholder pattern enough to make it 'my own' and have created my own pattern for a trivet. Of course, it's not rocket science, it's kind of like coloring with yarn. but it is something to do with my hands and to pick up if I am feeling at loose ends. I chose the colors for this trivet and potholder combo while outside this summer laying on the deck.
I call it 'Summer Sky'.
I know the whole idea of a color palette for crochet is ridiculous . . . but I wish my mom could see it.