I was mistaken. The killing frost wasn't happening two nights ago, but last night. Yesterday, However, I was happy to see the Blue Jays were taking the corn I put out in the corn cob feeder. MW loves to feed the Jays but the whole peanuts are getting pricey. As long as the squirrels can't get to the feeder and steal the ears I'll be happy with this arrangement.
Also yesterday, the Juncos started arriving in droves. They will probably stay till April or May. I saw a nice mix of colors in the Juncos that were in the yard, their colors have really changed over the last few years due to interbreeding. The Juncos in the yard used to be just gray and white but lately there have been mixes of Oregon types and even some pink sided Junco.
Last evening the sky was clear and the view through the leaves was spectacular. The photos I took don't do it justice. This morning, after the frost, the leaves all over town are falling like rain.