Tuesday, September 20, 2022

9/20/2022 - Love, Hate and Limitations

The last hummingbirds I saw were on September 12.  Doesn't mean a few still aren't here, I just haven't seen them.  I've read that the adult hummers migrate out first and the last ones here are youngsters.

Like many people living up here, I have a love/hate relationship with autumn.  Autumn is pretty, that's for sure.  But it also means work . . . chores . . . battening down the hatches, getting ready for COLD and SNOW!  I get antsy, knowing how much mowing, raking, pruning and battening needs to be done but what good would it do to drain and roll the hoses now when I'm still going to use them.

The grapes have been harvested and turned into juice for jelly-making and the oil and sparkplugs changed in the snow blower.  I still need to over seed the yards and dismantle the birdbaths, fountains and water features.  But the honeysuckle is still blooming and the birds are migrating through.

The only chore I've found to do is to put up a wind barrier for my newest grape vine.

Limitations has to do with a dream I had last night.  I'll go into that over the next few posts.