Squirrels are busy all year round, but they are extra busy in the fall putting on weight and trying to store food for the winter. This fellow found a crabapple and ate it in full sight of everyone.
Helen found an apple in the neighbor's yard two houses away.
I have no idea how any squirrel thought his/her black walnut would be safe from theft here! There are little holes all over my back yard where squirrels have tried to hide something then decided it wouldn't be safe there. One neighbor found a stash of them hidden in his deck umbrella.
My neighbor to the south has a nice hackberry tree that is feeding the birds as well. The birds are eating the berries and squirrels seem to be eating the galls on the underside of the hackberry leaves. They rip the leaves off the stem, eat the galls, then toss the leaves aside. The squirrel chow I purchased yesterday is made of whole corn kernels, some sunflower seeds and a few peanuts. I put it out to divert them from the bird feeders . . . yeah, right!
I should be as industrious as these squirrels.