I am overwhelmed by the snow in my back yard this winter! Several ground blizzards, with winds up to 60 mph, have piled snow and snirt into drifts around 4 feet deep. I can no longer get through it with my snow blower and the work to chop it out seems . . . well, overwhelming. I have a small area between the deck and the door to the garage cleared enough for the dogs to do their business but that's about all I can manage now. Having someone else clear it out would be ideal but none of the gates are clear enough, or big enough, to get a larger snow mover in the yard. Unless we get enough more snow in the the remaining weeks of winter that I must move it away from the back-up generator's exhaust vents, I am just going to let it melt in it's own time. Sigh . . .
We did, however, have a sunny, warmer day yesterday and got to the dog park where Steve and Shirley had the chance to blow off some steam!! Yay!